Event date
On 28-29th September 2022, under the patronage of the Rector, prof. T.Jesionowskiego - VII International Scientific Conference "Social security systems in the face of demographic, economic and technological challenges" will be organized.
The conference will be devoted to the challenges of social security systems (including pension systems) and the labour market related to demographic changes (ageing population) and technological changes. It is yet another cyclically organized conference (the previous one was held in 2019), in which researchers of pension economics participate, representatives of management and quality sciences and technical sciences, as well as representatives of financial institutions offering pension products.
The key speakers at our conference will be, among others prof. Marek Góra from the Warsaw School of Economics (co-founder of the Polish pension reform of 1999) and prof. Agnieszka Chłoń-Domińczak, Vice-Rector for Science at Warsaw School of Economics a co-creator of the Polish pension reform and former Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Policy. Keynote speakers from the USA and Turkey will participate in the remote mode.
In addition, during the conference, a panel discussion will be organized on the evaluation of the Employee Capital Plans (PPK) system.
More information available on the conference website: mke2022.put.poznan.pl